Displaying data with Angular 2 Templates and Components

One of the first things that comes to mind when plaing with a new front-end framework is how can we display data?

Angular 2 provides templates for this purpose, with it’s own syntax for data displaying, event binding and some other bells and whistles.

A template is essentially html with some syntax specific to Angular 2 thrown in.

Remember the good old Component in Angular 2 that acts as the base for pretty much every UI interaction? Well that’s where you can define your template. You can do this inline, or keep a separate html file.

Remember the HelloApp component form the post about setting up Angular 2? That has an inline template defined.

import {Component} from "angular2/core";

    selector: "hello-app",
    template:`<h1>Hello from Angular 2!</h1>`
export class HelloApp {


We can define an external html file by defining it’s URL with the templateUrl option.

import {Component} from "angular2/core";

    selector: "hello-app",
    templateUrl: "view/hello.html"
export class HelloApp {


The hello.html will of course contain the html markup for the template.

<h1>Hello from Angular 2!</h1>


We can user double curly braces `` to bind Component class properties in the html template.

import {Component} from "angular2/core";

    selector: "hello-app",
    template:`<h1>Hello </h1>`
export class HelloApp {
    name:string = "Obi Wan";

The rendered html will then look like <h1>Hello Obi Wan</h1>.

Now something to keep in mind is that if the component property changed it’s value, Angular 2 will detect the change and display it. Usually this happens as a result of some kind of asynchronous operation.

The `` are also capable of evaluating simple expressions.

<h1>We are now in 1</h1>

This expression will add 1 to the value returned by getNextInteger() and display it.

Built in directives.

Angular 2 provides *ngFor directive for looping over a collection of objects.

import {Component} from "angular2/core";

    selector: "hello-app",
    template:`  <h1>Car List</h1>
                  <li *ngFor="let car of cars">
export class HelloApp {
    cars:any = [{name:"Camry",make:"Toyota"},{name:"Prius",make:"Toyota"}];

This snippet will output two li elements with Camry and Prius values. Note how we are declaring the for each loop for car of cars.

We can use *ngIf to execute conditional statements.

<span *ngIf="cars.length < 2">
    //Whatever we place here will be displayed if the cars has less than 2 elements.

These should get you started on displaying data in an Angular 2 application.

Written on May 19, 2016